Middle School Program

Why Crosby Scholars?

Preparing for college starts early! Crosby Scholars is here to ensure that every public school student in Rowan County has the opportunity to attend college.

Crosby Scholars provides middle school students with career and college exploration, community service and cultural awareness opportunities, camps and leadership experiences, advisors, college campus visits, admissions and financial aid workshops for students and families, and awards scholarships and Last Dollar Grants for college tuition annually – All at no cost to you!

How does the Crosby Scholars Program assist middle school students?

  • Offers academic and social-emotional growth workshops
  • Provides opportunities to participate in community service activities
  • Exposes students to college campuses and career exploration early
  • Encourages a drug-free lifestyle
  • Provides annual recognition for students who complete program requirements

What is required of Crosby Scholars in middle school each school year?

  1. Register and attend ONE Crosby Scholar Academy per school year
  2. Complete and submit in CrosbyConnect a minimum of TWO community service hours before April 1st
  3. Demonstrate good citizenship in your school and community (You may not receive out-of-school suspension)

Crosby Scholars Middle School Team


Najeema Bey-Mickel

Middle School Program Manager


Roberta Moulton

Middle School Outreach Specialist
