The application is now closed for the 2024-25 school year. Please contact our office if you have special circumstances or are interested in joining now.
Each year, a regional college fair is held in Rowan County featuring over 50 colleges and universities from NC and the southeast. This event is free to the public. High school Crosby Scholars are required to attend 1 college fair or tour 4 college campuses before graduation. Attending this event will meet that requirement.
Rowan County College Fair
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Catawba College – Gymnasium
Please take this form with you to the college fair. (Copies of this form will also be available at check-in.)
At the College Fair, we ask that you meet with 4 college representatives and ask each rep to sign your form verifying your conversation. If you attend the Rowan County College Fair, you must submit this form at the Crosby Scholars table before leaving the fair.
It’s College Fair time! Share your contact information effortlessly. Don’t write it down or spend time printing labels. Get a barcode and have it scanned at every college table. Go to, and electronically complete the registration form, to securely share your information with colleges of your choice. Spend more time talking to the admissions representative to know more about their school.
How to registration guide?
Your barcode is emailed two days before and on the day of the fair. Print or display on your smart phone to get scanned.
Here are a few questions you can ask.
If you have any questions, feel free to email Michelle Rogers (; our college fair registration provider at GoToCollegeFairs.